We are delighted to announce that we have recently been SafeContractor approved!
SafeContractor provides health and safety accreditation for contractors and brands. To become SafeContractor approved, we had to prove that we are a safe and responsible company. Part of the process to get this accreditation meant we had to prove that all our paperwork is compliant with current legislation and that our health and safety procedures are adhered to. They also checked our policies on the environment, sustainability, staff management and much more.
How does this accreditation benefit our clients?
There are 2 main parts to this accreditation wrapped up in 1 plan.
SSIP – Safety Schemes in Procurement
SSIP registration is a key indicator that a company can demonstrate high levels of health and safety management. We also had to show a commitment to ongoing best practices in this area and provide the required levels of protection for our staff.
Our clients can be confident that we will carry out the necessary health and safety practices when we are working on their premises.
PAS91 – Publicly Available Specification
The PAS91 aims to reduce bureaucracy and prevent duplication. It checks that we comply with environmental obligations, eradicate modern slavery in our supply chain, and meet good social values. The PAS91 checks that we are compliant with relevant standards and legislation.
SafeContractor accreditation means that any client contracting us to do work on their premises has the confidence that we are able to deliver in a safe and ethical manner.
You can read more about our commercial security services on our website.